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Tannas Co. & King Refrigeration Asia DistributorsTraining

We had an incredible distributor training in Bangkok during 6th-9th November 2023, where over 15 of our partners from across Asia and the Middle East joined us. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn, network, and strengthen our bonds. Excited for what’s next!

We were trained on following instruments;

- Quantum (Oxidation test for turbine oil and grease)

- Direct Cool (Gelation index for lubricants)

- TEOST (Thermal oxidation test for lubricants)

- TBS (High temperature, high shear viscosity for engine oils)

- BLB (Brookfield low temperature viscosity for ATF fluids)

- MRV (Low temperature viscosity & yield stress for engine oils)

- TFAB (Foaming property test for lubricants)

- NOACK (Evaporation loss for engine oils & lubricants)

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